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The sequel to the worldwide smash hit "Olympus Has Fallen." The story begins in London, where the British Prime Minister has passed away under mysterious circumstances. His funeral is a must-attend event for leaders of the western world. However, what starts out as the most protected event on Earth turns into a deadly plot to kill the world's most powerful leaders, devastate every known landmark in the British capital, and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. Only three people have any hope of stopping it: the President of the United States (Aaron Eckhart), his formidable Secret Service head (Gerard Butler), and an English MI-6 agent who rightly trusts no one. (C) Focus
About London Has Fallen
Artist :
Chad St. John,
Creighton Rothenberger,
Katrin Benedikt,
Chad St. John,
Christian Gudegast
As :
Gerard Butler,
Morgan Freeman,
Charlotte Riley
Title :
Watch London Has Fallen Online
Release date : 2016-03-04
Movie Code : 3300542
Duration : 110
Category :
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Comment For London Has Fallen Full Movie Streaming

Name : Kate Lloyd a.k.a
Time Out
Joyously ridiculous.

Name : Soren Anderson a.k.a
Seattle Times
The action is pumped up. The destruction is extreme. The whole thing is absurd.

Name : Lou Lumenick a.k.a
New York Post
Racist, stupid and boasting cheesy effects that wouldn't pass muster on basic cable.

Name : Neil Genzlinger a.k.a
New York Times
President Benjamin Asher needs two things: better security personnel and better scriptwriters.

Name : Andy Klein a.k.a
Agent Banning is the latest in a long line of heroes whose every bullet kills someone while the bad guys constantly spray him with hundreds of bullets from machine guns, none of which seem to hit the target.

Name : Ignatiy Vishnevetsky a.k.a
AV Club
London Has Fallen is one of those rare films that is good at absolutely nothing.

Name : Stephanie Merry a.k.a
Washington Post
"London Has Fallen" is remarkable only because of how much worse it is than its inane predecessor, 2013's "Olympus Has Fallen."

Name : Steven Rea a.k.a
Philadelphia Inquirer
An impossibly enjoyable live-action cartoon that plays on our real-life anxieties about vengeful cadres of foreign radicals blowing up people - and places.

Name : Tom Russo a.k.a
Boston Globe
While taking the action to an international stage, the lumbering story isn't at all concerned with legit drama, let alone intelligently considering the ramifications of the mayhem it imagines.

Name : Liz Braun a.k.a
Toronto Sun
The sequel swaps cunning for brutal violence and turns Banning into a one man killing machine.

Name : Christy Lemire a.k.a
London Has Fallen is Donald Trump in film form.

Name : Leah Pickett a.k.a
Chicago Reader
[Butler and Eckhart's] mildly diverting performances aren't enough to dislodge the film's troubling pro-engagement message.

Name : Todd McCarthy a.k.a
Hollywood Reporter
Butler manfully dispenses justice here many times over, and even if the other main actors are in it strictly for the paycheck, they've all been in a whole lot worse in their time.

Name : Bill Goodykoontz a.k.a
Arizona Republic
It's all silly and meant to be fun, except when Najafi tries to throw in some serious bits, which wind up being sillier still.

Name : Colin Covert a.k.a
Minneapolis Star Tribune
I don't know the best way to deal with America's enemies, but I suspect a jingoistic macho-porn slaughterfest is not likely to win hearts and minds.

Name : Tim Grierson a.k.a
The New Republic
"London" is deeply dumb, so anything offensive is more a byproduct of thoughtlessness than an act of willful intention. Still, Najafi's ambition to make an old-fashioned action flick means reverting to a bygone way of seeing America's place in the world.

Name : Brad Wheeler a.k.a
Globe and Mail
Butler's dark gusto is unexplained, and his character lacks the charisma and one-liners of fellow macho world-savers Rambo, James Bond and John McClane.

Name : Michael Phillips a.k.a
Chicago Tribune
This one's strictly for Butler fans, and for R-rated action audiences hungry for a scenario in which the good, and mostly white, people pick off the brown, completely inhumanly bad people by the dozen.

Name : Robert Abele a.k.a
Los Angeles Times
Represents a geopolitical obliteration fantasy flushed from the mind of the angriest and dumbest and most conspiracy-minded among us.

Name : Adam Graham a.k.a
Detroit News
It's rarely exciting or suspenseful, and some of the digital effects are also reminiscent of a 1980s action movie level.

Name : Peter Howell a.k.a
Toronto Star
It makes the 2013 original Olympus Has Fallen - loglined as "Die Hard in the White House" - seem in nostalgic comparison like quality entertainment and a model of logic and good taste.

Name : Amy Nicholson a.k.a
Butler doesn't even have his own catchphrase. He just poaches two of Schwarzenegger's, bellowing both "Get to the chopper!" and "I'll be back!"

Name : David Lewis a.k.a
San Francisco Chronicle
You've seen everything on the screen before - many, many times. For every bullet, and you will lose count, there is a cliche.

Name : Peter Travers a.k.a
Rolling Stone
director Babak Najafi, who not surprisingly staged something called Easy Money II, botches the action sequences so crudely, consistently and cynically that he makes Michael Bay look like Kurosawa.

Name : Christian Holub a.k.a
Entertainment Weekly
By casting its villain as a suspiciously ISIS-like Middle Eastern terrorist network, London Has Fallen makes itself into a political movie-but its politics are heinous.

Name : Guy Lodge a.k.a
Cruddily crafted, grimacingly performed and effortlessly racist, this sloppy dish of Gruel Britannia may just go down well enough to green-light a continuing franchise of global destruction. World capitals quiver.

Name : Lindsey Bahr a.k.a
Associated Press
This sort of movie was made for television viewing. You could tune in or out at any moment and really not miss anything. Or just have a drink beforehand and bring your rowdiest friends to the theater.

Name : Stephen Whitty a.k.a
Newark Star-Ledger
For this even crasser sequel [Fuqua has] been replaced by director Babak Najafi, who thinks that if four people with assault weapons are good, than 40 are even better.

Name : James Berardinelli a.k.a
London Has Fallen is competently made and offers what any viewer would reasonably expect. There's plenty of action, a fair amount of wide-scale destruction, and a rousing climax.

Name : Richard Roeper a.k.a
Chicago Sun-Times
Like the original, London Has Fallen features a top-notch cast and some crackling good action sequences. And, alas, like the original, this is a cliche-riddled, aggressively violent, laughably plotted exploitation flick.

Name : Matthew Lickona a.k.a
San Diego Reader
Somewhere along the line, it may occur to you that Babak Najafi's sequel to 2013's president-in-peril pic Olympus Has Fallen is a sly attack on America masquerading as a celebration of same.
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